Call for Guest Editors
The Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia (JCEA) calls for Guest Editors from around the world for a special issue addressing one of the themes listed below.
Themes for Submission:
- Media Manipulation, Fake News, and Misinformation in Asia-Pacific Region
- Immigration Policy in Asian Countries
- Territorial Disputes in Asian Context
Prospective guest editors should have a strong background and network of contacts in one of the key themes listed above in order to successfully solicit papers, manage the peer-review process, ensure deadlines and maintain the journal’s high publishing standards.deadlines and maintain the journal’s high publishing standards.
Prospective guest editors must submit a formal proposal for a special issue with the following information:
- A short statement of intent (300-500 words) that would address at least one of the themes listed above
- A list of topics for articles that would fit within the theme
- The prospective editor’s (s’) CV(s)
- A call for manuscripts that should include, along with other information for authors, the description of a peer review processes, the journal’s mission, and a link to the journal’s website
- A timeline. The editors will provide specific timeframes for distributing the call for manuscripts, recruiting authors and reviewers, and reviewing submissions. It is expected that the special issue will be published in 2019 or 2020.
Guest editors are responsible for the submission, review, revision, and acceptance process with the assistance of the editor-in-chief and associate editors. The special issue should be completely themed with at least five articles. Guest editors can submit their own research (up to two papers) to their proposed special issue but it must be handled by the editor-in-chief. Guest editors will also have to write a guest editorial (2-6 pages) describing the guest editor(s) intent in presenting the articles, addressing the issue at hand, and summarizing the article themes.
Please submit your formal proposal to We would appreciate receiving indications of interest by April 1, 2019.
About the Journal
The Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia (JCEA) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that takes a leading role in new scholarship in Asia. Building on a foundation of dedicated study in current political, social and economic trends in East and Southeast Asia, the JCEA is expanding its scope to unique aspects of Asian scholarship, including (socio-technical) convergence and future (network) studies.
The JCEA editorial board is committed to working very hard to boost the scholarly presence of new Asian scholarship around the world and secure its reputation as an emerging world-class publishing outlet. The editors welcome manuscripts based on original research or significant reexamination of existing literature.